Tuesday 17 December 2019

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 14 (DI SINI)

Apa yang saya belajar tentang kursus ini ialah bagaimana membuat terjemahan dengan betul, cepat dan tersusun. Kursus ini banyak membantu dari segi peluang pekerjaan apabila sudah habis belajar nanti misalnya menjadi penterjemahan kerana mempunyai pendapatan yang lumayan. Selain itu, saya dapat tahu ilmu baru dan maklumat yang berguna sepanjang kelas Prof. Bukan sahaja menarik, bahkan kelas tersebut boleh santai seperti membawa makanan untuk tenangkan diri sambal membuat kerja. Walaupun Prof ada tegasnya sendiri tetapi itu tidak mematahkan semangat kami supaya mengambil cabaran tersebut dan melaksanakan tugasannya dengan baik. Setiap kelasnya mengajar kelainan topik dan terjemahkan mengikut apa yang diminta.  Jadi, memang pelajar betul teliti walaupun stress. Secara rangkumnya, kursus ini benar-benar membantu saya dalam menggunakan kriteria saiz font pilihan, warna yang dipakai dan sebagainya agar sesuai dengan citarasa client.

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 14 (Terjemahan Blog Post 19 Disember 2012)

My grandson
That tecit boy wants to spend the day dawn. She must have told her dad to get up and pray. That's Nur Maisarah, my son. She said again, Sofea got up early and didn't want to go to bed after that. So he wants to make a game and play. Aw, boy! Stop with the baby talk, DrNotts!

I can't wait to see Sofea. Keep missing her. Seeing her in blue with her hand because of the former needle, makes me want to kick her dad. It doesn't matter but let me emo. But by the time I get back, Sofea must be like her gwenma! Not? Cis.

Lana says she misses the gwenma. Mummy even misses gwenma. He also misses the gwenma. Keep shedding tears.

I didn't forget that my granddaughter was the hostess. Lana's disease. The boy who wants to pinch his deck. You're Lana, I'll pinch her cheeks and bite her. This is it.

Hurry up. If you can fast forward, I'm sure I'll be in Alamanda while shopping! Hahahhah. ok it's not funny!


Craving Like There Is No Tomorrow
I am so craving for pizza. Pizza hut. But the closest pizza hut from Yongin is to Suwon which is 50km.

This is all because of Suzy (from Miss A girlband) in this TV commercial in Korea. He eats pizza until cheese melts. It was kind of tasty until my saliva was taken aback. Cis. That's why I told you to sit in the village. McD breakfast always used in Malaya is not here.

So what's the decision to eat pizza?

You ate Suzy and drank DrNotts!


Lightning in Korea
At home I only have two channels on tv. I mean channel with stories. So last night, no matter where the lightning came from, there was no such channel. This is sure two new days is ok.

Lightning? There is lightning here. Suddenly misses the lightning of Malaya. New trails when needed. So here, when the weather seems to shift a little bit, there is no channel. Like astro in Malaysia. No need to have a lightning bolt. That's just the lightning. If it's lightning, sure it burns the TV. Erk, no offense to Astro.

Now, look at Arirang. I don't know what the plan is that will make me a million times over. I'm a TV ghost. When you don't have a TV, you have less appetite. Defeat, that's a big lie. No tv can bam bam cikebam cikebam (this one has the phrase for sofea and wool).

Bye. You can only visit this house.



Kah's Eye?
That night I went out to eat. Just wanna find out. Moreover, because of the spicy flavor, I drank water until it was warm to the world. Inflatable, John! But it is best to get out even in this small village.

Forget it, I went to the bank too, pay the journal money. US180. Cis. Nowadays journal money is no big deal. From no publication, it's better to have no money. Uh, cheating. I'd rather have more money from the publication. Hahaha!


Korean Election Leave
Today is one Korean holiday. This is certainly the case because on TV the story of two candidates is running for president. Amazingly, one man and one girl.

If that girl wins, it's Korean history. Sejib is like a Daemul Korean drama. Big Shot, Big Shot! Uh, it was in the Sungkyungkwan Scandal drama. Anyways, I'm on leave. So is no different. Nowadays, I go through the process of getting fat and on leave.


BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 14 (Ulasan buku 200 Quotes)

Ulasan 200 quotes ini banyak memberi inspirasi kepada kehidupan seperti tema, kasih sayang, persahabatan, alam dan banyak lagi. Penulis dalam buku ini terdapat dua orang iaitu Noraien Mansor dan Normaliza Abd Rahim. Buku ini dihasilkan supaya dapat memberi semangat kepada orang luar supaya tidak mudah berputus asa dalam kehidupan. Setiap yang berlaku ada perancangan terbaik dari Tuhan untuk kita, jadi kita perlu positif dalam kehidupan. Selain itu jauhkan diri dari berkawan dengan orang yang negatif ia secara amnya menyebabkan kita tersungkur dalam kehidupan dan maafkanlah orang yang menyakiti kita dan jangan imbaukan kenangan lepas. Lakukanlah yang terbaik dan senyum. Ayat yang dikarang juga agak berpuitis terutamanya siapa yang penggemar dalam menulis sastera dan sifatnya yang emosional kata kajian. Ia ditulis supaya kita menjadi yang lebih baik dari semalam dan dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang sekeliling kita. Terutamanya pelajar yang masih muda lagi bolehlah menimba pengalaman sebanyak mungkin dan mengutip nasihat dari orang yang lebih tua agar mematangkan kehidupan. Buku ini sangat sesuai kepada semua lapisan umur dan boleh dikongsi perasaan dan cerita jika terdapat waktu-waktu ketika kita jatuh dan lagi sedih. Sedih boleh tapi jangan lama-lama kerana kehidupan ini sungguh luas peluangnya dan rezeki buat semua manusia hanya kita berusaha.
Noraien Mansor, Normaliza Abd Rahim
Penerbit UMT

These 200 quotes have a lot to inspire in life such as theme, love, friendship, nature and more. The authors of this book are two persons, Noraien Mansor and Normaliza Abd Rahim. This book is designed to inspire outsiders to not give up on life. Every event has God's best plan for us, so we need to be positive in life. In addition to staying away from friends with negative people it generally causes us to fall into life and forgive those who hurt us and do not overlook our past memories. Do your best and smile. Composed passages are also a bit of a joke especially to those who are passionate about writing literature and the emotional nature of the study. It was written to make us better than it was yesterday and to benefit the people around us. Especially young students can gain as much experience as possible and seek advice from older people to bring their lives to life. This book is perfect for all ages and can share feelings and stories when there are times when we are down and sad. It is sad but it is not too late because life is so rich and the opportunity for all of us is only for our efforts.

Noraien Mansor, Normaliza Abd Rahim
UMT Publisher

BBM3410Satu2020: KALENDAR 2021

Hari ni nak cerita tentang tugasan yang menggunakan photoshop. En akmal banyak menerangkan tentang langkah-langkah membuat photoshop ka...